

Tanizul Timber Ltd is a not-for-profit forest management company providing a variety of services including the management of our Community Forest Agreement K4B and our First Nations Woodland Licence N2O.

The Tl’azt’en people own and control Tanizul Timber Ltd. The company’s activities are administered through an elected Board of Directors.  The directors seek the authority of the Tl’azt’en people on all economic, operational, cultural and social issues that relate to the operation of Tanizul Timber Ltd. 

As of December 13, 2024, the Tanizul Board of Directors is made up of: Don Mattess, Georgina Alexis, Conrad Joseph, Norman Alexis, Brian Felix and Donaven Winser.

For pictures and more information, even if you do not have an account, you can visit us on  facebook  

Tanizul Timber Ltd is SAFE certified with the BC Forest Safety Council   SAFElogo365pix